As a Toronto Criminal Lawyer I have helped hundreds of persons avoid jail and a criminal record for the crime of theft. In Canada the Criminal Code includes two forms of theft:

  1. Theft Under $5000 which is located under section 334(b) of the Criminal Code; and
  2. Theft Over $5000 which is located under section 334(a) of the Criminal Code

Both of these crimes are treated very differently in terms of punishment and court procedure. Theft Under $5000 is a summary conviction offence and carries a maximum jail sentence of 6 months. By contrast, the charge of Theft Over $5000 is a straight indictable offence and carries a maximum jail sentence of 10 years.

Shoplifting Lawyer for Petty, Retail, Misdemeanor Theft & More

You can contact us at 647-352-BAIL (2245) or at [email protected]

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